Health Insurance Binder

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released final data from the November 1 – December 15, 2017 open enrollment period, in which health insurance shoppers could shop and enroll in health plans for January 1, 2018 coverage. In Wisconsin, enrollment was down 7% from the prior year, due in part to a shortened enrollment period and large cuts to federal outreach and navigator assistance programs.

All totaled, 225,435 Wisconsinites either renewed a current health plan, switched plans, or purchased a new plan.

CMS data included breakdowns by state, county, and even zip code. This allows us to draw comparisons between national and local shopping/buying behavior. Here are just some of the ways that Wisconsin health insurance customers differed from national averages.
Active re-enrollments in open enrollment

Silver and Gold Plans

Applied Premium Tax Credit

Average Premium for buys on