Crisis Communication

A crisis can strike at any time and any place, and it can be more difficult than it used to be in today’s digital age.  The media wants to be “first and fast” in sharing it with their audience, and because of technology, everyone with a smartphone is a publisher with social media driving the public discussion.

Consider the following principles when dealing with a crisis:

  1. Be prepared to decide, act and communicate quickly.
  2. Be factual, straightforward and honest.
  3. Don’t guess, speculate or assume.
  4. Consider all audiences – not just the media.
  5. Expect changes and surprises.

Do you need help with a crisis facing your company?  Do you want to train your leaders and employees in how to deal with one in the future?  Contact the Michael Best Strategies Crisis Communications Advisor Jeff Gallagher to learn more about how they can help you out.